You should have received an email from Hilary with the draw for the Bronze Hole and Hole Competition together with a Contact List and Competition Rules. A copy of the draw can be downloaded below. The draw can also be views in the DRAWS section on the left and the rules can be found under RULES. Attention is drawn to Items 1 and 2 of the Rules. The First Round has to be played by 17th June. As agreed, this Competition will be managed by email, (to save postage) except for those who do not have this facility. There will be no letters so please look at the draw carefully to see whether you are the Challenger or Opponent. Sheila will be the Recorder so please advise her of the results as soon as you can and she will endeavour to keep the website as up-to-date as possible. As this is the first time we have managed the competition this way, please Hilary know if there are any teething problems.