The closing date for this years Summer Hole and Hole competition is the 16th March.  Below is a list of the names that have entered the Silver and Bronze competitions.  If you have entered and do not see your name below please contact me asap at

If you wish to enter and have not already done so, please complete the online form by 16th March or contact me using the above e-mail.

Jill Acheson Susan Gardiner Amanda Northridge
Hilary Anderson Marion Glauch Margaret Parr
Avril Auchterlonie Gillian Glen Hazel Peplinski
Claire Barnish Janet Glen Gill Petrie
Anne Bell Isobel Halliday Mairi Pollock
Mandy Bell Janet Hamblin Moira Poyser
Corinne Blyth Barbara Hamilton Maggie Pringle
Yvonne Blyth Jane Hannam Laura Reekie
Monica Boyle Evelyn Hogg Janette Reid
Heather Braid Norma Hogg Janet Reid-Thomas
Aileen Brannan Helen Holton Elizabeth Riach
Jane Browitt Pat Horn Mary Richardson
Jane Bruce Angela Houston Norma Richmond
Jean Bryden Angela Hughes Julie Robb
Jacky Burnett Sheila Hunter Alison Robertson
Liz Calder Fiona Jackson Fiona Robertson
Libby Campbell Caroline Johnstone Helen Ross
Louise Campbell Gail Joughin Sal Shepherd
Susan Campbell Helen Keith Vicky Sproule
Elizabeth Cargill Sheila Keith Sandra Stanton
Gillian Carter Sandra Kempston Moyra Statham
Sue Caton Margaret Khalid-Ali Caroline Steedman
Ann Chalmers Lisa Kilpatrick Rachel Steedman
Mandy Charters Caroline Kinnaird Eileen Stevenson
Carol Clark Amanda Larter Mary Stewart
Margaret Clark Sarah Ledingham Maureen Stewart
Ros Cockerell Anne (elizabeth) Leslie Elizabeth Taylor
Janet Collin Katy Lessells Elsa Todd
Gail Corbett Lorna Lettice Susan Tudball
Sally Cownie Elaine Lumsden Fiona Tyrrell
Sheena Craigen Margaret MacConnachie Patricia Walkingshaw
Vicky Cullen Jane Macdonald Hilary Wallace
Lis Daly Celcia Macintyre Morag Wardrop
Mary Davidson Letty Mackinnon Pam Wheeler
Mari Deans Alison Maillardet-O’neill Anne Wheelhouse
Rita Dee Kelly Maksymuik Lindsay White
Coleen Derighetti Caroline Mansley Catherine Wilkie
Sheila Dickson Catriona Martin Annette Wilson
Mandy Dougal Helen Maxwell Mary Wilson
Clem Douglas Shelagh McComiskey Lesley Wilson
Marion Duff Isla McCrone Kay Wright
Janice Duguid Elizabeth McEwing  Claire Cunningham
Judith Duncan Caroline McIntosh  Susan Randall
Margaret Fergusson Sally McIntosh  Ray Lynch
Fiona Findlay Vivien Mitchell
Una Fleming Jaci Moriarty
Fiona Ford Vivien Napier
Pat Forsyth Jane Neville
Kate Fulton Maxine Nicholson

Entries received as at 16th March.

Many thanks Lisa Kilpatrick

2018 Summer Hole and Hole Entries – Closing Date 16th March