Spring Meeting & Championship

Spring Meeting & Championships
Ratho Park G.C.

This year our Championships will be played in a different format to previous years, due to course availability. Qualification for the Championships is made by playing in the Spring Meeting,

Competition dates

Spring Meeting -  Friday, 25/04/2025 at Ratho Park

County Championship at Ratho Park:

  • 25/04/2025 - 'A' Knockouts 1st Round first tee after 14.30 
  • 27/04/2025 - 'A' and 'B' Quarter-Finals first tee 13.45
  • 03/05/2025 - 'A' and 'B' Semi-Finals first tee 14:00
  • 04/05/2025 - 'A' and 'B' Finals first tee 13.30

The Spring Meeting and first round of the Championship knockouts will be played on Friday 25th April.

An additional Local Rule will apply for this year's Championship qualification - "Only members with a WHI 12.9 or less will be eligible to qualify for the Championship knockouts".

The Championship can be played by any member with a WHI of 12.9 or lower.

Those electing to play in the Championship will have priority of morning tee times.

Those eligible to play in the Championship and wishing to play will need to indicate this at time of entry, to ensure they are allocated a tee time between 8.30am until 11.00am.  This will allow them time to complete their qualifying round, rest and then tee off later that afternoon for Round 1 of the knockouts.  To indicate this you will need to enter BOTH the Spring Meeting AND the Championship competitions via the app or website. Please ensure you are available for all knockout dates before you enter the Championship.  These entries will be drawn in handicap order.

If you have a WHI less than 13.0 and DO not want to play in the Championship knockouts, please just enter the Spring Meeting. 

There will be no zones this year, to ensure we complete the knockouts in good time, however if you are traveling with another member and it would be convenient to play at a similar tee time - please email Competitions and they will try their best to accommodate this, but this may not always be possible.

Members playing to qualify for the B Championship (WHI greater than 12.9) must indicate this at the registration desk on the day.

We cannot confirm the latest tee time until we see all entrants , so again if you need a late tee time and are NOT playing to qualify for the Championship contact Competitions 

The 16 players who qualify for the Championship knockouts will play as soon as all those who have entered the Championship have completed their round.  First tee time could be as early as 14.30 and last tee time as late as 16.30 depending upon on number of Championship entries.

Entry fee (including 2's) is £14

The Committee has approved a  £6 subsidy for this meeting from surplus funds. The entry fee includes £2 for the 2's competition, you can withdraw from this at the desk and a cash refund will be given. 

Entry fees should be made by Bank Transfer, after you have entered the competition:

MCLGA Account  - Sort Code :80-02-78 , Account No : 00788446

Anyone not paying before the closing date will be removed from the draw.

Competition entry

Enter the Competition or both Competitions via the MyScottishGolf app or via Fixtures on the Competition menu of the website

  • Competition entry opens: Thursday 20th March at 06:00
  • Competition entry closes: Wednesday 16th April at 18:00

Once the draw is published there will be no refunds and late entries cannot be accommodated, as per the Terms of Competition.

Best wishes,

Angela J Hughes
Competition Coordinator, MCLGA

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