The Spring Meeting and A&B Championship Qualifier at Turnhouse GC is now open for entries from 20th March until 17th April. The draw will be made shortly thereafter.  A&B Championship Matchplay will be over Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th April.

Associate Members cannot enter the Spring Meeting or Championship, as per the Constitution. Please read the Terms of the Competition before entering.

As you will be aware from previous posts, we were keen to utilise the new Scottish Golf App for our competitions and have been testing set up and usage of the App in the background. We have made the decision at this stage not to use the App until it has been tested more fully by golf clubs during the start of the season. Please do not top-up your Scottish Golf account (which you can only do via the website at present) for the purpose of paying for the Spring meeting. 

PAYMENT: The entry fee of £12.00 is to be paid by Bank Transfer – see below.  Please make your payment BEFORE submitting the form and ensure you set up the reference as specified. This helps the secretary process your entry.

Bank details

Account Name: Midlothian County Ladies Golf Association

Sort Code: 80-02-78

Account Number: 00788446

Reference: CDH Number and your initials (e.g. 4300012345IMcC)

Spring Meeting Entry Form 

Championship Qualification

The players who qualify for the Championship matchplay will be the 16 players who have indicated on the day of the Spring Meeting that they are available for the Championship matchplay returning the 16 lowest gross scores at the Spring Meeting.

The players who qualify for the B Championship matchplay will be the 8 players with a Handicap Index of 13.0 and above, who have indicated on the day of the Spring Meeting that they are available for the B Championship matchplay, returning the 8 lowest gross scores at the Spring Meeting.


Spring Meeting/Championship Qualifier 2023 – Entry Open