Anne Brownie provides some background to the new Herald & Post Trophy to be competed for over the Braids later this month….

The Herald & Post Trophy has come about because of a desire by the Scotsman Publications group and Edinburgh Leisure to stage a ladies’ competition alongside the historic Dispatch Trophy for men (sponsored by the Evening News). The format for the inaugural event is double foursomes, off scratch as for the Dispatch Trophy.

It was decided to get the new event off the ground by inviting participation of four teams in 2011 in order to test interest and then decide the basis of future entries. The basis on which invitations were made was the order of qualification for the matchplay stages of the 2010 Gibson Cup. The top qualifiers over the Braids golf course last September were invited to form teams of four to compete in the inaugural Herald & Post Trophy. The initial interest in this new event has been good and ladies are already keen to know more about how to enter in future years (which has yet to be confirmed).

The Draw for the Herald & Post Trophy semifinals on Thursday 26th May (from c.5.50pm) is:
Harburn represented by Linda Boyle, Dorothy Wilson, Arlene McGarty and Alison McBride.
Broomieknowe represented by Sandra Hennessy, Linda Wemyss, Wendy Nicholson and Kate McIntosh

Hardale represented by Aileen Kennedy, Fiona Smith, Anne Stokes and Elaine Wilson
Comisburn represented by Viv Curran, Karina Matson, Mary Stark and Anne Brownie.

The Final will be played following the Dispatch Trophy Final early afternoon on Saturday 28th May. Spectators will be welcome on both Thursday and Sunday.

As an aside, this year’s Gibson Cup is being held on 1st and 2nd October; entries to be sent to Edinburgh Leisure with further information or an e-version of the entry form available from Anne Brownie.