The draw for the Midsummer Foursomes, to be held on Monday 10th May at Liberton Golf Club, has now been made and published on the website. Please click on “Mid’r 4somes Draw” on the left hand side of this page to see the start times.
Please note that the leading couples from this competition will be eligible to be put forward to the final of the Commonwealth Spoons to be held at Cathkin Braes Golf Club, Ruthglen on Thursday 23rd September.
Please also remember that MCLGA does not allow the use of Distance Measuring Devices (DMDs) in ANY of its competitions and, as such, these devices are NOT PERMITTED for use in the Midsummer Foursomes, regardless of whether Liberton Golf Club has a local rule permitting their use or not. Penalty for breach of this rule will be disqualification.
Finally, a raffle will be held, as usual, in aid of the County Juniors. All raffle prizes will be gratefully received and can be brought along on the day to the check in desk.