The Midlothian AGM and prize giving was held last night at Liberton Golf Club. A good turn out of members saw the AGM pass without any problems. The golf season was rounded up by Captain Tracy Laughland while Treasurer Maureen McLeod, ably assisted by our Auditor, Brenda Russell, presented the Accounts for the 2008/09 year, Secretary Agnes Leslie presented her report of the competitions and membership standing, and Junior Secretary Kate Rorke summarised the junior activities during 2008/09. There being no proposals, the Office Bearers were re-elected with the audience aghast that Agnes will be moving into her 9th year as Honorary Secretary. Under AOCB, Gillian Kirkwood gave an update on the progress of the Centenary book. It was hoped to have this completed by the AGM but with there being so much information, it is taking longer than expected and will be out as soon as possible. It was hoped that members would bear with Gillian for it’s completion.
The annual prize giving followed with the juniors present to collect their prizes before the year’s prize winners, including the Centenary Tri-am winners, were announced.