Sunday saw this year’s first visit to the Hermitage Golf Club for the Juniors’ monthly golf. Although a bit frosty under foot, the sun was out with a little bit of warmth. Six girls braved the conditions and played round for the first time. Many thanks to May Hardy for setting the girls off and to Gillian Simpson who came along to help and inspire the girls.

This was the start of the Hermitage Course league, which runs until August. Points are awarded for turning up as well as for 1st and 2nd handicap and 1st, 2nd and 3rd non-handicap; the winners at the end of the season receiving the Maggie MacPherson and Sue Caton Trophies respectively.

Yesterday’s results were as follows:

1st Carla Maran – net 39
2nd Emma Morrison – net 41

1st Caitlin Turner – 64
2nd Kim Naysmith – 70
3rd Lisa MacPherson – 85

The Hermitage Golf Course has teamed up with Queen Cake to provide catering in their clubhouse. Having sold their home baking and cakes at Farmers’ Markets and online, Queen Cake will be offering teas, coffees, soups and snacks, as well as their home baking, at the Hermitage. To kick start this new venture, an Open Day is to be held on Saturday 27 March from 10 am – 3 pm. There will be free golf lessons, a BBQ, a family golf competition, a bouncy castle, face painting and free pilates and yoga workshops, not to mention the free cake tastings! Why not grab your parents, brothers, sisters and grandparents and head along for a visit? Try out what to eat after your next MCLGA 12 hole competition! For more information see

Hermitage Monthly 12-holes