Thursday 21st October 2021
6:30 pm - 10:45 pm

Kingsknowe Golf Club

Midlothian County Captain Louise Fraser’s term is coming to an end at the November 2021 AGM.

I am having a Captains Retiral Dinner @ Kingsknowe Golf Club on Thursday 21st October 2021 and the invite extends to Officials, Committee Members and all Members.  There will be a 3 course dinner with tea/coffee and 2 guest speakers. Members coming should note the guest speakers are not from the golfing world but I am confident they will be highly entertaining and interesting to listen to! The guest speakers are Lee Cockburn, full time local Police Officer and Crime writer of 3 successful books. Also Jilly McCord, full time Teacher and 2019 Masterchef Runner Up. Anybody wishing to come can arrive from 1800 and all guests will be asked to be seated by 1850 for introductions before food service at 1900. The bar will close at midnight.

If you would like to come along please submit your name and bank transfer £28 to Midlothian County Ladies using your name in the reference box. Sort code 80-02-78 Account 00788446. We will be in touch with menu and dietary requirements. Any issues with submitting your name or making payment please email

Hopefully see some of you there.

Captains Retiral Dinner

Your Details

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