The Autumn Meeting, to be held at Newbattle GC on Wednesday 11th September, is now open for entries. Associate Members cannot enter the Autumn Meeting, as per the Constitution. Please read the Terms of the Competition before entering.
Entry will close on Tuesday 3rd September at 6pm. The draw will be made shortly thereafter and will be posted on the website.
We are now using Scottish Golf for competition administration.
You will need to enter (register) using the Scottish Golf App on your phone. Ensure you have the most up to date version of the App by checking in the relevant store.
If you have not used the App before, please follow the instructions here to set it up.
Then, after making your payment by bank transfer first (see below), follow the instructions here to enter the competition.
You will see Competition Zone on the App and you will need to choose a preferred time slot. You may not see the Competition Zone option if you do not have the most up to date version of the App.
For special requests eg. a specific tee time, or to be near a travelling companion, please email Ensure your email is acknowledged by the Competition Secretary. Also, use the competitions mailbox for any issue with your booking.
Please note that the 2’s sweep of £1 is included in the entry fee of £17 below. This can be refunded at the registration desk on the day if you do not wish to take part.
PAYMENT: The entry fee of £17.00 is to be paid by Bank Transfer – see below. Please make your payment BEFORE submitting the booking on the app and ensure you set up the reference as specified. This helps the secretary and treasurer to reconcile your entry.
Bank details
Account Name: Midlothian County Ladies Golf Association
Sort Code: 80-02-78
Account Number: 00788446
Reference: The letters AU, CDH Number and your initials (e.g. AU4300012345MH)