All Junior competitions and coaching events (at Braid Hills driving range and Turnhouse GC) will be postponed in April. All knock out match play events will be as per Tuesday 17 March communication notice – Golf ties can still be played if each player is happy to do so. In the event one player will not or cannot play due to self-isolation before the ‘played by’ date the opponent will go through to the next round. An extension of time to play the tie can still be requested but will only be given if it can be played shortly after the original ‘played by’ date.
A further comminication notice will be detailed for May.
When playing, players should leave the flagstick in, not touch golf course furniture or others golf equipment, try to keep a safe distance of approx 6 foot/2 metres from each other, not to shake hands at the end of your round, use your sleeve to cough or sneeze into, put used tissues into buckets and ensure you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in hot soapy water regularly. Hand sanitizers if available should be used frequently during the day too.
Keep healthy, stay safe and enjoy the golf if you are still playing.