Thank you for your patience. As the new Scottish Golf App is not yet available, we ask New Members, and Existing Members wishing to renew their membership, to pay their subscription by Bank Transfer and complete the appropriate form using the links provided below, by 31st January.
Welcome Pack
A new Welcome Pack has been prepared for 2023 outlining the benefits of membership. We hope everyone, both new members and those who have been members for several years, will find it interesting and useful. You can access the Welcome Pack here.
Joining MCLGA or Renewing Your Membership
2023 annual membership subscriptions remain the same at £25 for Full Membership and £10 for Associate, Student and Juniors. As intimated at the AGM, and in the accounts throughout the year, a 50p processing charge (to cover Stripe costs) would be added to annual subscriptions commencing 2023, and not charged for competition entry (we fully intend to be utilising the new Scottish Golf App and Stripe for our competitions in 2023). Therefore, Membership Subscriptions Fees to be paid in 2023 are as follows:
- Full Member – £25.50
- Associate Member – £10.50
- Student Member – £10.50
- Honorary Member – Nil
New and existing Juniors should use the online Junior Membership Form.
Please make your payment before submitting the form and ensure you set up the reference as specified below.
Subscriptions must be paid no later than cop Tuesday 31st January.
A late fee of £5.00 will apply to all subscriptions after that date.
Bank details
Sort Code: 80-02-78
Account Number: 00788446
Reference: CDH Number and your initials (e.g. 4300012345IMcC)
2023 New Members Joining Form
2023 Existing Members Renewal Form
If you do not plan to renew your membership, please send an email to the secretary
Credits: Please note that a check has been made of all members who had a credit in the old Scottish Golf App. Unfortunately, we cannot currently offer the facility to pay subscriptions from any credit – but the credit will be available for forthcoming competitions. If anyone has any questions, please get in touch with the Secretary.